Find out more about the worldwide

now the world becomes like a small village because of the new communication tools.

Removing Negativity Energy

to be an effective, you must discard the negative energy.

Nature came with many realities

Discover the world you live in through searching and meditating in the wonderful nature.

Technology the people of tomorrow

Technology race is moving very fast, therefore find information about the latest advances in technology.

Be close to everything around you

Never neglect anything related to you or your family.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Portrait from Separate Pieces

San Francisco based artist Jason Mecier created this portrait of Steve Jobs made out of 20lbs of E-Waste..

His upcycled artwork took over 40 hours to make and is comprised of assorted broken Macintosh keyboards, one I-Pod, one I-Book, headphones, floppy discs, mice, batteries, memory sticks, broken circuit boards and other Apple products.